#Alumnicasestudies Kosi Nwaneri (Batch 014)

Kosi Nwaneri (Batch 014)
Kosi heard about Wave Academiesfrom her cousin (an alumnus) who gave her a WAVE flyer. Prior to WAVE, Kosi was a fresh graduate who was job hunting. The most challenging aspect of the training for her was "the fact that as a person who loved to sleep a lot, I had to wake up very early to beat traffic and that was not a part of me. The fact that I also got a whole lot of assignments to do after every class was kinda annoying." Kosi's most memorable moment was the networking night when she was recognized as the most conversational person.
Kosi would like to become an entertainment lawyer and client relations professional in the tourism and hospitality sector. She would also like to establish a forum for youth to learn about self-development.
Kosi secured a job with Hans and René as a Sales representative.

Leadership is not just about giving energy ... it's unleashing other people's energy.” – Paul Polman

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