For anyone who knows me, you know that I love my coffee as I have often joked that I was in a committed relationship with coffee, and like any other relationship, I have done my part to ensure a healthy relationship. From purchasing 24oz bottles on to ensuring that I had enough of her; to consuming at a peak upwards of 6-8 cups per day as she enabled me to get through my day, and sticking with her alone as my stimulant of choice to show my unrelenting commitment.
However, in February 2020, I was diagnosed with stomach ulcers and had to break up my relationship as it was essential for my healing. As I reflected, I realized that it was a decision of PRIORITY; Health vs Relationship.
In life (Workplace, Homes, Friendships, etc) we are constantly being swamped with a lot of decisions to make and sometimes we struggle with how to arrive at the best decision, and it is often best resolved by PRIORITIZATION.
My health was definitely more important to me and this has led me to 8 weeks and counting without my beloved coffee even though I have 2 full jars that I see every morning in my kitchen cabinet.
So as you have begun this new year and the countless decisions that you have to make to ensure that you are living a fulfilled life, PAUSE and PRIORITIZE to ensure that you are making the best decisions for yourself.
NB: I plan to go back to coffee someday and in the meantime, I am being consoled by Green Tea.
#Problemsolving #Prioritization #Pirority
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