Habib’s story details the impact of the WAVE training but more importantly spotlights his willingness to learn.

Habib was a Graphic Designer at Eben City Artwork, Tamale, Ghana. After acquiring his in Computing Accounting  in 2020 he wanted more than just being a graphic designer, he wanted to be a Business Administrator. 

This prompted him to go join WhatsApp and Facebook groups to get notified on job opportunities. It was on one of the Facebook groups that he saw the link to the WAVE training program which promised to teach the necessary skills needed in the workplace.

Immediately, Habib signed up for the training program and has been forever grateful that he did, “The training was a life-changing experience for me, I am more confident about my CV now, the way I go for interviews has changed; I not what to say before and during the interview, how to sell myself, the necessary skills interviewers are looking for and many others things.”

The major challenge Habib faced during the training was network issues. He stressed that though the academy provided him with data to aid learning, his location wasn’t the best for internet services which was a major challenge. However, due to the fact that he could relate with other trainees and he had full access to the facilitators, it was impossible to miss out.

After graduating, Habib testified to having an easy job search, “I applied for 2 job opportunities, and I was called for an aptitude test for both firms which I passed and also for an interview. I didn’t get the job because the role they offered was different from what I wanted to do”. 

The joy of easily getting called for an interview made him more determined to keep applying for job vacancies knowing full well he would get a job soon. The same month after the training, Habib got a job as a Teaching Assistant at Tamale Technical University, Tamale, Ghana.

According to Habib, “I was so happy when I got the job because it made it easier for me to put into more practice the skills I learned during the training; how to relate and communicate with the lecturers and teaching the students became very easy. I went ahead to use some of the teaching methods our facilitators used to teach my students and it made learning easy for them and also for me in the long run”.

Although Habib still has aspirations of becoming a Business Administrator in the future, he considers himself a leader who likes to take up projects, design and execute them. He intends to gather more experience before looking and applying for jobs related to his passion.

His advice to job seekers is to utilize any opportunity that comes their way while job searching. Whether it’s a training or taking up a course to easily stand out during an interview, applying for that job they are not sure of getting, he urges them to be resilient.

To be a part of the training, check out our website;

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