A decade ago, we embarked on a journey to transform the lives of young individuals across the African region through skills training. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we take pride in reflecting upon the remarkable impact we have had on the lives of thousands of young people and the communities we serve.
Over the past ten years, we have directly trained over 6,000 young people and indirectly impacted the lives of more than 60,000 individuals. This impressive number reflects the far-reaching ripple effect of our efforts and collaboration with similar-minded organisations.With a commitment to excellence, we have successfully trained more than 200 batches of students and one of the most compelling aspects of our journey is the incredible employment rate achieved by our alumni. An astonishing 70% of WAVE alumni have secured employment opportunities, underscoring the tangible impact of the WAVE training in enhancing career prospects and economic stability.
Our impact also spans across borders, as we have reached out to and transformed lives in eight different states. With a presence in over 35 local government areas (LGAs), our influence has radiated through different communities.
In serving businesses, and driving growth, we have partnered with more than 600 businesses served and contributed to the growth and sustainability of over 20 industries.
Through our "Ready for Work" initiative, we've engaged over 1500 stakeholders. This initiative not only showcases the breadth of support garnered but also reflects our commitment to preparing young individuals for the demands of the professional world.
As we celebrate a decade of empowerment, we are reminded of the lives transformed, the barriers broken, and the futures brightened through our training. Join us as we commemorate this milestone, celebrating not only the numbers but the stories of determination, growth, and success that have defined our journey.
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